20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending

20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending (2014)


Below the streets of New York is a dark and dangerous world hidden in the shadow of abandoned subway tunnel miles in forgotten infrastructure. When a young documentary filmmaker enters these tunnels to uncover stories that can't be seen by people living under our feet, she finds that there is more fear than darkness. A mysterious figure who lives beyond the scope of the law, announces threats to the outside world to tear open the tunnels in the fragile underground social life, or even the above urban war.

Below the streets of New York is a dark and dangerous world hidden in the shadow of abandoned subway tunnel miles in forgotten infrastructure. When a young documentary filmmaker enters these tunnels to uncover stories that can't be seen by people living under our feet, she finds that there is more fear than darkness. A mysterious figure who lives beyond the scope of the law, announces threats to the outside world to tear open the tunnels in the fragile underground social life, or even the above urban war.

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