A Child Is Waiting

A Child Is Waiting (1963)

1h 42m | Plot | USA

"the Heart of my parents" is the product of John Carruwiti, an independent filmmaker who met a Hollywood film in the 1960s. Story tale and psychiatrist Ju Ka hired Judy Gray, from the acoustics school, to use new techniques to teach Gina, a child psychiatric patient, who is considered by the outside world to be a treatable mental illness. The children in the film are all from one of the children's spiritual centers in California, and this forgotten group is actually presented in front of the children. Urban people are concerned about various kinds of life, and a large number of social problems are concerned. In the face of the dark side of society, mainstream society will initially face it with a degree of avoidance, and through a large number of social campaigns, media reports, and so on, to make society more diverse and open, and to face it in a positive manner. This change of social mind may take half a century, or even longer. Among them, the problem of children has always been a sensitive issue, and Caraviti used the light and shadow to reveal the well-known side of society as early as the 1960s, which aroused mainstream social discussion. Caraviti is a talented independent film show in China, wandering between Hollywood films and independent films, using off-road lines to break the inherent Hollywood film recording mode, paying attention to strong acting.

"the Heart of my parents" is the product of John Carruwiti, an independent filmmaker who met a Hollywood film in the 1960s. Story tale and psychiatrist Ju Ka hired Judy Gray, from the acoustics school, to use new techniques to teach Gina, a child psychiatric patient, who is considered by the outside world to be a treatable mental illness. The children in the film are all from one of the children's spiritual centers in California, and this forgotten group is actually presented in front of the children. Urban people are concerned about various kinds of life, and a large number of social problems are concerned. In the face of the dark side of society, mainstream society will initially face it with a degree of avoidance, and through a large number of social campaigns, media reports, and so on, to make society more diverse and open, and to face it in a positive manner. This change of social mind may take half a century, or even longer. Among them, the problem of children has always been a sensitive issue, and Caraviti used the light and shadow to reveal the well-known side of society as early as the 1960s, which aroused mainstream social discussion. Caraviti is a talented independent film show in China, wandering between Hollywood films and independent films, using off-road lines to break the inherent Hollywood film recording mode, paying attention to strong acting.

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