
The show was released by the CW network and adapted from DC's longevity cartoon Green Arrow. Oliver Queen (Stephen Amel Stephen Amell), who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, has suffered a serious cruise accident. Five years after he was missing and pronounced dead, he was found alive. When he returned to the big city, he was warmly welcomed by his family and friends, but they also felt that he was different from what he was five years ago. The island experience made Oliver suffer both mental and physical tests, trying to hide his true self in front of everyone, trying to make up for the mistakes his father made to the city. During the day, he is still a rich son, but at night he becomes the messenger of justice, Green Arrow. And ex-girlfriend Laurel (Katie Cassidy Katie Cassidy) father detective Quentin decided to arrest this unjustifiable Ranger, in order to maintain law and order in the city. At the same time, he has to deal with all kinds of relationships with Thea, his sister who has become a bad girl, Moira, his remarried mother, and Tommy, a good friend who has had a relationship with Laurel. And there is a dark force closing in on him in the dark.

The show was released by the CW network and adapted from DC's longevity cartoon Green Arrow. Oliver Queen (Stephen Amel Stephen Amell), who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, has suffered a serious cruise accident. Five years after he was missing and pronounced dead, he was found alive. When he returned to the big city, he was warmly welcomed by his family and friends, but they also felt that he was different from what he was five years ago. The island experience made Oliver suffer both mental and physical tests, trying to hide his true self in front of everyone, trying to make up for the mistakes his father made to the city. During the day, he is still a rich son, but at night he becomes the messenger of justice, Green Arrow. And ex-girlfriend Laurel (Katie Cassidy Katie Cassidy) father detective Quentin decided to arrest this unjustifiable Ranger, in order to maintain law and order in the city. At the same time, he has to deal with all kinds of relationships with Thea, his sister who has become a bad girl, Moira, his remarried mother, and Tommy, a good friend who has had a relationship with Laurel. And there is a dark force closing in on him in the dark.

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