
Asura (2012)

1h 16m | Animation, Terror, History | Japan

At the end of the Heian era, natural and man-made disasters, the world was in chaos and corpses were everywhere. In this terrible age of cannibalism, a cursed life comes to earth. When he was young, he (voiced by Masako Nozawa) ate human flesh from an early age and became a frightening ogre. It was not until he was voiced with the compassionate dharma master (also voiced by Beida Luxin) that he finally got the name "Asura", and the phrase "Nanwu Amitabha Buddha" even planted the seeds of human recovery in Asura's heart. In the despair of being hunted, Asura received meticulous care and care from the beautiful girl Ruokao (voiced by Lin Yuan Huimei), and the kind-hearted flowers of the beast-like youth bloomed at the bottom of their hearts. But in the era of chaos and loss of human nature. His good expectations were dashed one after another. what on earth was left to Asura? This film is based on the original work of the same name by cartoonist George Akiyama (real name: Akiyama Yoji).

At the end of the Heian era, natural and man-made disasters, the world was in chaos and corpses were everywhere. In this terrible age of cannibalism, a cursed life comes to earth. When he was young, he (voiced by Masako Nozawa) ate human flesh from an early age and became a frightening ogre. It was not until he was voiced with the compassionate dharma master (also voiced by Beida Luxin) that he finally got the name "Asura", and the phrase "Nanwu Amitabha Buddha" even planted the seeds of human recovery in Asura's heart. In the despair of being hunted, Asura received meticulous care and care from the beautiful girl Ruokao (voiced by Lin Yuan Huimei), and the kind-hearted flowers of the beast-like youth bloomed at the bottom of their hearts. But in the era of chaos and loss of human nature. His good expectations were dashed one after another. what on earth was left to Asura? This film is based on the original work of the same name by cartoonist George Akiyama (real name: Akiyama Yoji).

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