
Atlantis (2019)

1h 46m | Plot | Ukraine

In 2025, a year after the end of the war, the Ukrainian soldier Seji returned to real life. Post-traumatic life is not easy, factory managers dislike, commit suicide, close the factory unemployed, even the iron at home does not work, can only shoot humanoid targets in the wild to vent. When he lost his job, he would join the "black gold incense" project to dig up the bodies of soldiers, and he got to know the volunteer Katya. While digging in the wasteland, he was like digging himself full of trauma, opening up the carrion eroded by the war, hoping to grow the courage to survive.

In 2025, a year after the end of the war, the Ukrainian soldier Seji returned to real life. Post-traumatic life is not easy, factory managers dislike, commit suicide, close the factory unemployed, even the iron at home does not work, can only shoot humanoid targets in the wild to vent. When he lost his job, he would join the "black gold incense" project to dig up the bodies of soldiers, and he got to know the volunteer Katya. While digging in the wasteland, he was like digging himself full of trauma, opening up the carrion eroded by the war, hoping to grow the courage to survive.

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