
This new season of TV animation "Blade teeth" is a new work after more than a decade, adapted from the second deadliest prison plot in the second comic series of the same name created by Keisuke Panagaki. In order to know what defeat is, the five deadliest prisoners who escaped from prison synchronously around the world came to Tokyo, where the world's strongest soldiers gathered, to fight the last one. The battle of this part is an irregular battle outside the arena, including the use of any weapons and sneak attacks. The protagonist Fan Ma Blade accepts the invitation of Tokugawa Guangcheng to have an irregular confrontation with five death row prisoners, and contacts with Matsumoto Saojiang, and is finally poisoned by the death penalty prisoner Liu Longguang's poisonous hand attack.

This new season of TV animation "Blade teeth" is a new work after more than a decade, adapted from the second deadliest prison plot in the second comic series of the same name created by Keisuke Panagaki. In order to know what defeat is, the five deadliest prisoners who escaped from prison synchronously around the world came to Tokyo, where the world's strongest soldiers gathered, to fight the last one. The battle of this part is an irregular battle outside the arena, including the use of any weapons and sneak attacks. The protagonist Fan Ma Blade accepts the invitation of Tokugawa Guangcheng to have an irregular confrontation with five death row prisoners, and contacts with Matsumoto Saojiang, and is finally poisoned by the death penalty prisoner Liu Longguang's poisonous hand attack.