Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above

Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above (2013)


Since the announcement of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, related films about the environment and ecology have been released one after another. Taiwan has finally released the first film released in cinemas, filmed at full height, about the current situation of Taiwan's environment. Supervised by Hou Hsiao-hsien, directed and photographed by domestic aerial photographer Zeppelin, Wu Nianzhen was the narrator of the film, and he Guojie, who won the Golden Horse Award for original music, won the Golden Horse Award for "Seedek Balais". Through the professional photography equipment flying high in the air, we will see Taiwan that has never been presented at such a height and angle. From the high mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, forests, rice fields, fish ponds, cities and other landscapes, we can see that Taiwan is so beautiful, but we also see the changes, damage and damage caused by various environments in the face of people's development. The land has accumulated scars and the sea has deposited layers of pollution. Through a series of chapters on different themes, we turned into birds, saw Taiwan together, and went to see the beauty and sadness of the island.

Since the announcement of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, related films about the environment and ecology have been released one after another. Taiwan has finally released the first film released in cinemas, filmed at full height, about the current situation of Taiwan's environment. Supervised by Hou Hsiao-hsien, directed and photographed by domestic aerial photographer Zeppelin, Wu Nianzhen was the narrator of the film, and he Guojie, who won the Golden Horse Award for original music, won the Golden Horse Award for "Seedek Balais". Through the professional photography equipment flying high in the air, we will see Taiwan that has never been presented at such a height and angle. From the high mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, forests, rice fields, fish ponds, cities and other landscapes, we can see that Taiwan is so beautiful, but we also see the changes, damage and damage caused by various environments in the face of people's development. The land has accumulated scars and the sea has deposited layers of pollution. Through a series of chapters on different themes, we turned into birds, saw Taiwan together, and went to see the beauty and sadness of the island.