Bie Fang Jing Shen Xian

Bie Fang Jing Shen Xian (2020)


"Don't play the Spirit Line" is a series of online cartoons with 2 billion hits in 10 years. It is a Naver popular online cartoon with a rare click-through rate and nearly full marks. In the daily stories unfolded by the family members of "relax", online cartoons that induce laughter are loved by readers. Li Zhenhe plays Zheng Xin, the son of Chief Zheng and a student majoring in electronic physics at Suntech University (pronounced "spirit") in "Don't put the Spirit Line".

"Don't play the Spirit Line" is a series of online cartoons with 2 billion hits in 10 years. It is a Naver popular online cartoon with a rare click-through rate and nearly full marks. In the daily stories unfolded by the family members of "relax", online cartoons that induce laughter are loved by readers. Li Zhenhe plays Zheng Xin, the son of Chief Zheng and a student majoring in electronic physics at Suntech University (pronounced "spirit") in "Don't put the Spirit Line".