Big Nothing

Big Nothing (2006)

1h 26m | Comedy, Thrilling, Crime | UK

Dr. Charlie (David Hume David Schwimmer) has been in trouble recently. Not only did he lose his job in college, but he also had no hope of publishing his own books. In order not to become a burden on his family, Charlie got a job in telemarketing, where he met his familiar colleague Garth (Simon Page Simon Pegg). Garth told Charlie about his plan to blackmail a priest who often browses porn sites. In order to let his family live a rich life, Charlie agreed to join, plus Garth's one-night stand girlfriend Jusie (Alice Eve Alice Eve), the trio started the project. A seemingly simple plan is self-defeating and increasingly deviates from its original purpose. More and more people are involved, and things are getting bigger and bigger. And, unfortunately, Charlie found that there seemed to be hidden secrets behind Garth and Jusie, and the danger was gradually approaching Charlie, what would happen in the end.

Dr. Charlie (David Hume David Schwimmer) has been in trouble recently. Not only did he lose his job in college, but he also had no hope of publishing his own books. In order not to become a burden on his family, Charlie got a job in telemarketing, where he met his familiar colleague Garth (Simon Page Simon Pegg). Garth told Charlie about his plan to blackmail a priest who often browses porn sites. In order to let his family live a rich life, Charlie agreed to join, plus Garth's one-night stand girlfriend Jusie (Alice Eve Alice Eve), the trio started the project. A seemingly simple plan is self-defeating and increasingly deviates from its original purpose. More and more people are involved, and things are getting bigger and bigger. And, unfortunately, Charlie found that there seemed to be hidden secrets behind Garth and Jusie, and the danger was gradually approaching Charlie, what would happen in the end.

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