Black Mirror

Black Mirror (2011 - 2023)

1h | Plot, Sci-Fi, Thrilling | UK

The British miniseries are made up of three separate stories that are not directly related to each other, but all satirize and explore the impact of technology on human life with extreme black humor. "God save the Lord": Prime Minister Michael Callow (Rory Ginnell Rory Kinnear) is recalled to his office by an emergency phone call while sleeping, and the kidnappers offer an unimaginable exchange when they learn that Princess Susannah, a beloved member of the royal family, has been kidnapped. The humiliated prime minister failed in his attempts to rescue the princess and finally succumbed to the pressure of public opinion on a powerful social network. "the value of 15 million": in the future world, people with uniform clothes will communicate only through the virtual network, relying on cycling day after day to earn the consumption points they depend on. Unwilling to be the Walking Dead Bing (Daniel Kaluuya Daniel Kaluuya) spends all his points to help the singing Abi (Jessica Brown-Findlay Jessica Brown-Findlay) onto the draft stage, but is deeply hit by the fact that Abi has become a porn star. "your whole calendar.

The British miniseries are made up of three separate stories that are not directly related to each other, but all satirize and explore the impact of technology on human life with extreme black humor. "God save the Lord": Prime Minister Michael Callow (Rory Ginnell Rory Kinnear) is recalled to his office by an emergency phone call while sleeping, and the kidnappers offer an unimaginable exchange when they learn that Princess Susannah, a beloved member of the royal family, has been kidnapped. The humiliated prime minister failed in his attempts to rescue the princess and finally succumbed to the pressure of public opinion on a powerful social network. "the value of 15 million": in the future world, people with uniform clothes will communicate only through the virtual network, relying on cycling day after day to earn the consumption points they depend on. Unwilling to be the Walking Dead Bing (Daniel Kaluuya Daniel Kaluuya) spends all his points to help the singing Abi (Jessica Brown-Findlay Jessica Brown-Findlay) onto the draft stage, but is deeply hit by the fact that Abi has become a porn star. "your whole calendar.

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