Butterfly on a Wheel

Butterfly on a Wheel (2007)

1h 35m | Thrilling, Crime | UK

Neil Randall (Gerald Butler Gerard Butler) and his wife Abby look happy and coordinate their lives to take care of their five-year-old daughter Sophie. Until one day, an uninvited guest, Ryan (Pierce Brosnan Pierce Brosnan), claims to have kidnapped their daughter and threatens Neil and his wife to be at his mercy for the next 24 hours. For the sake of their daughter's safety, Neil and his wife began to give up their financial career one after another under the request of the gangster. However, it was just when Neil thought the exploitation was coming to an end that the nightmare really began, and the identity of the gangster involved a secret between husband and wife.

Neil Randall (Gerald Butler Gerard Butler) and his wife Abby look happy and coordinate their lives to take care of their five-year-old daughter Sophie. Until one day, an uninvited guest, Ryan (Pierce Brosnan Pierce Brosnan), claims to have kidnapped their daughter and threatens Neil and his wife to be at his mercy for the next 24 hours. For the sake of their daughter's safety, Neil and his wife began to give up their financial career one after another under the request of the gangster. However, it was just when Neil thought the exploitation was coming to an end that the nightmare really began, and the identity of the gangster involved a secret between husband and wife.

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