Cheng Shi Fang De Chan

Cheng Shi Fang De Chan (2022)

45m | Plot | Japan

Osaka real estate salesperson Nagase property (Shigeru Yamashita is acted the role of), to "do not hesitate to lie" sales skills to maintain performance No.1, is a capable salesperson. One day, because of the destruction of the ancestral temple in the scheduled place of the apartment construction, he became a body that could not lie. Nagase goes on and on about what he shouldn't have said, which will of course infuriate customers. Even projects that are about to be signed have been shelved one after another. After all, can Nagase, who has become an over-upright real estate developer, survive? @ Oh, the horse (spot)

Osaka real estate salesperson Nagase property (Shigeru Yamashita is acted the role of), to "do not hesitate to lie" sales skills to maintain performance No.1, is a capable salesperson. One day, because of the destruction of the ancestral temple in the scheduled place of the apartment construction, he became a body that could not lie. Nagase goes on and on about what he shouldn't have said, which will of course infuriate customers. Even projects that are about to be signed have been shelved one after another. After all, can Nagase, who has become an over-upright real estate developer, survive? @ Oh, the horse (spot)

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