
Hideki Hideki (Shigeru Sugita), who grew up in Makano, decided to come to Tokyo to attend cram school because he was unwilling to submit to the university failure in Tokyo. On the streets of Tokyo, Hideki found humanoid computers everywhere, which is extremely popular in this era. They have the same beautiful appearance as people, and even the touch of their skin is very soft. Poor student Xiushu would also like to have one, but because of its high price, he can only look at it from afar. On the way back to her apartment at night, Hideki found a girl-like humanoid computer in the garbage. Xiushu carried it home and changed his life while turning on the switch. The awakened humanoid computer is named Xiao Ji (voiced by Li Hui Tanaka) because it can only make a "Serge" sound. Under the guidance of Xiushu, Xiao Ji grew up like a baby, and Hideki discovered the difference between Xiao Ji and other humanoid computers. Ji, who has his own consciousness rather than computer program control, gradually becomes fond of Xiushu, but the complicated situation of computer and human, machine and body makes the two hesitate. In addition to Hideki and Xiao Ji, there are other stories about people and humanoid computers, either sad or moved, still staging the most authentic and tender stories in the high-tech era.

Hideki Hideki (Shigeru Sugita), who grew up in Makano, decided to come to Tokyo to attend cram school because he was unwilling to submit to the university failure in Tokyo. On the streets of Tokyo, Hideki found humanoid computers everywhere, which is extremely popular in this era. They have the same beautiful appearance as people, and even the touch of their skin is very soft. Poor student Xiushu would also like to have one, but because of its high price, he can only look at it from afar. On the way back to her apartment at night, Hideki found a girl-like humanoid computer in the garbage. Xiushu carried it home and changed his life while turning on the switch. The awakened humanoid computer is named Xiao Ji (voiced by Li Hui Tanaka) because it can only make a "Serge" sound. Under the guidance of Xiushu, Xiao Ji grew up like a baby, and Hideki discovered the difference between Xiao Ji and other humanoid computers. Ji, who has his own consciousness rather than computer program control, gradually becomes fond of Xiushu, but the complicated situation of computer and human, machine and body makes the two hesitate. In addition to Hideki and Xiao Ji, there are other stories about people and humanoid computers, either sad or moved, still staging the most authentic and tender stories in the high-tech era.

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