Coach Carter

Coach Carter (2005)

PG-13 | 2h 16m | Sport | USA

Coach Carter, also known as "Iron Blood Coach" and "the Winter of the cattle herding Class", is based on the true story of Ken Carter, the coach of the high school basketball team. The Richmond high school basketball team, which had never won any game, was a team that had repeatedly failed, all of which changed after coach Carter (Samuel Jackson Samuel L. Jackson) coached. He believes that this team can become the best basketball team under his leadership, so he asks the players to sign an agreement with him that if the team is not United or does not perform well, they will not continue to participate in any games. Under his leadership, the team began to go uphill and finally became an unbeatable winner. But at the 1999 National Championships, the players' performance was so unsatisfactory that Coach Carter was so frustrated that he really closed the gym and banned the team from taking part in any more games. This move caused a great response, he became the focus of public discussion, some people praised him to regard basketball as the character of life, but more people expressed confusion and even criticism of his actions.

Coach Carter, also known as "Iron Blood Coach" and "the Winter of the cattle herding Class", is based on the true story of Ken Carter, the coach of the high school basketball team. The Richmond high school basketball team, which had never won any game, was a team that had repeatedly failed, all of which changed after coach Carter (Samuel Jackson Samuel L. Jackson) coached. He believes that this team can become the best basketball team under his leadership, so he asks the players to sign an agreement with him that if the team is not United or does not perform well, they will not continue to participate in any games. Under his leadership, the team began to go uphill and finally became an unbeatable winner. But at the 1999 National Championships, the players' performance was so unsatisfactory that Coach Carter was so frustrated that he really closed the gym and banned the team from taking part in any more games. This move caused a great response, he became the focus of public discussion, some people praised him to regard basketball as the character of life, but more people expressed confusion and even criticism of his actions.

