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De Dana Dan

De Dana Dan (2009)

2h 42m | Comedy | India

Nitin (Akshay) and Ram (Suniel) are lucky in love, otherwise their life is a big zero as their bank balance. Nitin's employers dog, Mulchand Ji (as he must be called) always does wrong things, but the blame is put on Nitin, and he is usually kicked into the pool as a punishment.Ram works for a courier service in Singapore. He had originally come there to work in Chinese films,...

Nitin (Akshay) and Ram (Suniel) are lucky in love, otherwise their life is a big zero as their bank balance. Nitin's employers dog, Mulchand Ji (as he must be called) always does wrong things, but the blame is put on Nitin, and he is usually kicked into the pool as a punishment.Ram works for a courier service in Singapore. He had originally come there to work in Chinese films,...

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