
Deathstalker (1983)


A beautiful fairy tale, in which both male and female pig feet are very sexy, it is said that the death spokesman is the best warrior to fight against the evil forces of the medieval kingdom, in order to get rid of trivial troubles, but also for personal affection and revenge, this handsome, lecherous fighter begins to travel to participate in a very challenging competition in this land, giving the winner the throne of the evil kingdom and the final mysterious power. There is also the love of the noble and beautiful Princess Cortina, but first of all, the death spokesman must prove that he deserves to prove that these things pass every hurdle smoothly.

A beautiful fairy tale, in which both male and female pig feet are very sexy, it is said that the death spokesman is the best warrior to fight against the evil forces of the medieval kingdom, in order to get rid of trivial troubles, but also for personal affection and revenge, this handsome, lecherous fighter begins to travel to participate in a very challenging competition in this land, giving the winner the throne of the evil kingdom and the final mysterious power. There is also the love of the noble and beautiful Princess Cortina, but first of all, the death spokesman must prove that he deserves to prove that these things pass every hurdle smoothly.