Detective Conan OVA9: a stranger ten years later

Detective Conan OVA9: a stranger ten years later (2009)

22m | Animation | Japan

One day, Conan was resting at home with a cold, during which he received a call from Akihara. It turned out that Grey Hara had made the latest antidote to APTX-4869. Although it was only a trial product, Conan, who was determined to restore Kudo's new identity, still couldn't wait to go to Dr. A Li's laboratory. After taking the medicine, Shinichi finally returned to his original state, but everything around him seemed to have changed: the trees in the doctor's yard grew taller, many new buildings appeared, the PE teacher became old, and all the students in the class were unfamiliar faces. Even Yuan Tai, Guangyan and Bumi all look like high school students. He found an ash that had also become a high school student, and learned that he had been taking antidotes for the past 10 years, which had led to drug resistance, and had been unable to change his original state in the last five years. The lost Conan had no choice but to look at the changes around him, and what hit him even more was that Xiaolan decided to give up the unheard-of Xinyi and marry the new teacher. Their relationship is also a fantasy, how does it end.

One day, Conan was resting at home with a cold, during which he received a call from Akihara. It turned out that Grey Hara had made the latest antidote to APTX-4869. Although it was only a trial product, Conan, who was determined to restore Kudo's new identity, still couldn't wait to go to Dr. A Li's laboratory. After taking the medicine, Shinichi finally returned to his original state, but everything around him seemed to have changed: the trees in the doctor's yard grew taller, many new buildings appeared, the PE teacher became old, and all the students in the class were unfamiliar faces. Even Yuan Tai, Guangyan and Bumi all look like high school students. He found an ash that had also become a high school student, and learned that he had been taking antidotes for the past 10 years, which had led to drug resistance, and had been unable to change his original state in the last five years. The lost Conan had no choice but to look at the changes around him, and what hit him even more was that Xiaolan decided to give up the unheard-of Xinyi and marry the new teacher. Their relationship is also a fantasy, how does it end.

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