Detective Conan: Private Eye in the Distant Sea

Detective Conan: Private Eye in the Distant Sea (2013)


On a sunny day, Conan Edogawa (voiced by Gao Yamanan) and Richard Moore (voiced by Oyama), Xiaolan (voiced by Yamazaki and Kenai) and friends of the Young Detective Troupe came to Kyoto together, where they were about to board the SDF's Aegis battleship, experiencing the feeling of going out to sea and getting to know the beautiful and somewhat mysterious female self-defense soldier Qihai Fujii (voiced by Shigeru Shigeru). Who knew that the happy atmosphere was soon replaced by panic, a broken arm was suddenly found on the battleship, and the disappearance of the self-defense force caused panic and speculation in the military. It turned out that the mysterious spy X of a certain country had quietly boarded the Aegis, waiting for an opportunity to steal top secret information from the warship. In order to find hidden opponents, Conan and Gray Hara (voiced by Heimei Lin), Dr. Li (voiced by Kenichi Ogata), Hattori Heiji (voiced by Horikawa) and Kirsten Thomas (voiced by Yuko Miyamura) work together to compete with spies one after another.

On a sunny day, Conan Edogawa (voiced by Gao Yamanan) and Richard Moore (voiced by Oyama), Xiaolan (voiced by Yamazaki and Kenai) and friends of the Young Detective Troupe came to Kyoto together, where they were about to board the SDF's Aegis battleship, experiencing the feeling of going out to sea and getting to know the beautiful and somewhat mysterious female self-defense soldier Qihai Fujii (voiced by Shigeru Shigeru). Who knew that the happy atmosphere was soon replaced by panic, a broken arm was suddenly found on the battleship, and the disappearance of the self-defense force caused panic and speculation in the military. It turned out that the mysterious spy X of a certain country had quietly boarded the Aegis, waiting for an opportunity to steal top secret information from the warship. In order to find hidden opponents, Conan and Gray Hara (voiced by Heimei Lin), Dr. Li (voiced by Kenichi Ogata), Hattori Heiji (voiced by Horikawa) and Kirsten Thomas (voiced by Yuko Miyamura) work together to compete with spies one after another.