Diários de Otsoga

Diários de Otsoga (2021)

1h 42m | Plot | Portugal

The Match Factory won the global sales rights of Tsugua Diaries. The film is co-directed and written by Miguel Gomez (taboo) and Maureen Fazendro, and co-written by Mariana Ricardo (taboo). Starring Krista Fayat ([1001 Night 1: restless people]), Carrytokota ([1001 Night 1: restless people]) and Jose Monteiro, the film is a fictional quarantine diary filmed in Portugal during the outbreak using 16mm film.

The Match Factory won the global sales rights of Tsugua Diaries. The film is co-directed and written by Miguel Gomez (taboo) and Maureen Fazendro, and co-written by Mariana Ricardo (taboo). Starring Krista Fayat ([1001 Night 1: restless people]), Carrytokota ([1001 Night 1: restless people]) and Jose Monteiro, the film is a fictional quarantine diary filmed in Portugal during the outbreak using 16mm film.

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