Diary of the Dead

Diary of the Dead (2007)

1h 35m | Sci-Fi, Terror | USA

Jason Creed (Joshua Close) and a group of friends were filming a horror movie in the forest when they heard on the radio about the living dead who would come back to life. They acted like zombies, and their numbers were expanding like a plague. Another director, Tony Ravello (Shawn Roberts), insisted that it was just the media making news, but most people felt the chill coming from behind. After the timid hero Ridley (Philip Riccio) first fled to his villa not far away, a group of people followed Jason's girlfriend Debra (Michelle Morgan) to drive to her home. Not long after they hit the road, they encountered a terrorist incident, and slowly, with what they saw (beyond the scene at the end of the century, their companions became living dead), everyone, including Tony, fully believed that the living dead were everywhere in the world, and finding ways to save themselves became the first important thing they thought. However, Jason refused to put down the camera, saying that recording what he saw was more important than saving his life, the news released by the media.

Jason Creed (Joshua Close) and a group of friends were filming a horror movie in the forest when they heard on the radio about the living dead who would come back to life. They acted like zombies, and their numbers were expanding like a plague. Another director, Tony Ravello (Shawn Roberts), insisted that it was just the media making news, but most people felt the chill coming from behind. After the timid hero Ridley (Philip Riccio) first fled to his villa not far away, a group of people followed Jason's girlfriend Debra (Michelle Morgan) to drive to her home. Not long after they hit the road, they encountered a terrorist incident, and slowly, with what they saw (beyond the scene at the end of the century, their companions became living dead), everyone, including Tony, fully believed that the living dead were everywhere in the world, and finding ways to save themselves became the first important thing they thought. However, Jason refused to put down the camera, saying that recording what he saw was more important than saving his life, the news released by the media.

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