Dirty John

Dirty John (2018)

50m | Plot | USA

Brave subscribes directly to the selected series "Dirty John" for two seasons at a time. The story material mainly comes from the Los Angeles Times special investigation report and the corresponding podcast, among which the first season is based on the Los Angeles Times reporter Chris Goffard's investigation report on the John Meehan scandal, including his relationship with businesswoman Debra Newell. They met through online dating, but their relationship soon turned into abuse and manipulation. The show focuses on how the relationship between Debra Newell and John Meehan gets out of control and is overwhelmed by secrets, deceit and betrayal, and eventually turns into a game of survival. This incident not only derailed Debra Newell's life, but also seriously affected her children. The second season will describe a new story with a formal ending.

Brave subscribes directly to the selected series "Dirty John" for two seasons at a time. The story material mainly comes from the Los Angeles Times special investigation report and the corresponding podcast, among which the first season is based on the Los Angeles Times reporter Chris Goffard's investigation report on the John Meehan scandal, including his relationship with businesswoman Debra Newell. They met through online dating, but their relationship soon turned into abuse and manipulation. The show focuses on how the relationship between Debra Newell and John Meehan gets out of control and is overwhelmed by secrets, deceit and betrayal, and eventually turns into a game of survival. This incident not only derailed Debra Newell's life, but also seriously affected her children. The second season will describe a new story with a formal ending.

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