Dragon Ball Super: Doragon bôru cho

Dragon Ball Super: Doragon bôru cho (2015)


After the tragic battle with the magic man Buo, the troubled earth returns to peace, while Sun Jun (voiced by Masako Nozawa), as a savior, is still alive and lives a carefree and happy life with his family. This side of the Z soldiers enjoy peace, far away in the deepest part of the universe, a terrible god leisurely awakens. He is the destructive god Bilus (voiced by the mountain temple Hongyi), fond of food and extremely capricious, a little dissatisfied with the noodles will not change color to destroy a planet and the life on it, can be called the king of the world dare not easily provoke the terrible gods. Disturbed by a mysterious dream, Beerus decided to find a strong opponent to compete. He and his entourage Weiss (voiced by Seiichi Morita) came to Earth. Sun WuKong and his companions are facing unprecedented challenges, and he will sprint towards the realm of God. This film is a brand-new Dragon Ball story opened by Akira Niaoyama as the original case.

After the tragic battle with the magic man Buo, the troubled earth returns to peace, while Sun Jun (voiced by Masako Nozawa), as a savior, is still alive and lives a carefree and happy life with his family. This side of the Z soldiers enjoy peace, far away in the deepest part of the universe, a terrible god leisurely awakens. He is the destructive god Bilus (voiced by the mountain temple Hongyi), fond of food and extremely capricious, a little dissatisfied with the noodles will not change color to destroy a planet and the life on it, can be called the king of the world dare not easily provoke the terrible gods. Disturbed by a mysterious dream, Beerus decided to find a strong opponent to compete. He and his entourage Weiss (voiced by Seiichi Morita) came to Earth. Sun WuKong and his companions are facing unprecedented challenges, and he will sprint towards the realm of God. This film is a brand-new Dragon Ball story opened by Akira Niaoyama as the original case.