Earth: The Power of the Planet

Earth: The Power of the Planet (2007)

1h | Documentary | UK

4.5 billion years, what a long time. What a vast territory the vast universe is. In the boundless sky, the earth, like a speck of dust, is pregnant with tens of thousands of colorful lives. Looking back in the past, I found that the starting point of the prosperity of life was so harsh, everything happened in a thousand years, and everything was like a miracle. BBC traveled to every corner of the earth, revealing to us the mysteries of the beginning of life. They tell the world that what we fear, and what we often ignore, played such a vital role. Volcanoes, atmospheres, glaciers and oceans are the sources of human beings and all living things. The production team of "the Power of the Earth" will recreate the blue planet for us through 5 episodes of documentaries, from scratch, from simplicity to complexity.

4.5 billion years, what a long time. What a vast territory the vast universe is. In the boundless sky, the earth, like a speck of dust, is pregnant with tens of thousands of colorful lives. Looking back in the past, I found that the starting point of the prosperity of life was so harsh, everything happened in a thousand years, and everything was like a miracle. BBC traveled to every corner of the earth, revealing to us the mysteries of the beginning of life. They tell the world that what we fear, and what we often ignore, played such a vital role. Volcanoes, atmospheres, glaciers and oceans are the sources of human beings and all living things. The production team of "the Power of the Earth" will recreate the blue planet for us through 5 episodes of documentaries, from scratch, from simplicity to complexity.

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