
In the distant future, a city called Eden has been devoid of human beings for thousands of years, only robots exist here. Sarah, a human baby girl, awakens from a deep sleep, disrupting everything in the contemporary era. Robots E92 and A37 temporarily live in a safe haven outside Eden and co-raise this human child who should only exist in ancient mythology. Who on earth is Sarah? Besides, it is not that the human being is dead. Where did she come from and why was she born? Join this special trio and uncover the truth together. Premiere on May 27, Netflix exclusive

In the distant future, a city called Eden has been devoid of human beings for thousands of years, only robots exist here. Sarah, a human baby girl, awakens from a deep sleep, disrupting everything in the contemporary era. Robots E92 and A37 temporarily live in a safe haven outside Eden and co-raise this human child who should only exist in ancient mythology. Who on earth is Sarah? Besides, it is not that the human being is dead. Where did she come from and why was she born? Join this special trio and uncover the truth together. Premiere on May 27, Netflix exclusive