Eight Ranger 2

Eight Ranger 2 (2014)


After a series of bitter battles, a team of seven young men, including Yokoyama Yokoyama (Yuku Yokoyama), Shigeku Shigezawa (Shibuya Shibuya), Xionggui Murakaoka (Shinobu Murakami), Zhengwu Maruchi (Takahei Maruyama), Jun Yasuhara (Akira Anda), Tetsuro Kanno (Takesuke Okura) and Yosuke Okawa (Takesuke Okura), finally defeated the Dark Crusaders led by the President (Keiji Toyama). Bring the long-lost peace back to 80,000 cities. After that, the Guanba team was regarded as the savior, and the municipal government allocated a huge sum of money to them. in the carefree years of exuberance and money, the former super soldiers gradually sunk. At the same time, Mayor Dahe (Eiwa Akai) takes Guanba as his spokesman and actively promotes the so-called Zero Project to create a zero-crime city. Weekly reporter Xixiang (Denzo Maeda) is aware of the increasing number of missing people in 80,000 cities in recent years, and she suspects that all this is related to the Guanba team, so she launches an investigation under anonymity. On the other hand, the Red Warriors drifted away from their partners and ended up standing in the lineup of terrorist forces.

After a series of bitter battles, a team of seven young men, including Yokoyama Yokoyama (Yuku Yokoyama), Shigeku Shigezawa (Shibuya Shibuya), Xionggui Murakaoka (Shinobu Murakami), Zhengwu Maruchi (Takahei Maruyama), Jun Yasuhara (Akira Anda), Tetsuro Kanno (Takesuke Okura) and Yosuke Okawa (Takesuke Okura), finally defeated the Dark Crusaders led by the President (Keiji Toyama). Bring the long-lost peace back to 80,000 cities. After that, the Guanba team was regarded as the savior, and the municipal government allocated a huge sum of money to them. in the carefree years of exuberance and money, the former super soldiers gradually sunk. At the same time, Mayor Dahe (Eiwa Akai) takes Guanba as his spokesman and actively promotes the so-called Zero Project to create a zero-crime city. Weekly reporter Xixiang (Denzo Maeda) is aware of the increasing number of missing people in 80,000 cities in recent years, and she suspects that all this is related to the Guanba team, so she launches an investigation under anonymity. On the other hand, the Red Warriors drifted away from their partners and ended up standing in the lineup of terrorist forces.