Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale (2002)

1h 54m | Romance, Thrilling, Crime | France

Laura Ash (Rebecca Romijn) tries her best to steal a diamond necklace worth tens of millions of dollars worn on a star at a movie premiere with her accomplices Reese and Wickes. Laura swapped the success of the imitation with the original without anyone knowing it. The accomplices planned to kill the female star, but Laura stepped in to stop it. Laura killed her accomplice during the contest. Laura was afraid that her identity would be discovered and hid everywhere until she got another identity. Lily, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to her, committed suicide. When she witnessed all this, she decided to steal Lily's identity. With the help of her new identity, her new life began, and she became someone else's wife and felt the warmth of her family. Nicholas (Antonio Banderas) works as a journalist. Since he met Laura, he is very interested in Laura's little-known past and tries to uncover her, thus forcing Laura to make a choice about her identity.

Laura Ash (Rebecca Romijn) tries her best to steal a diamond necklace worth tens of millions of dollars worn on a star at a movie premiere with her accomplices Reese and Wickes. Laura swapped the success of the imitation with the original without anyone knowing it. The accomplices planned to kill the female star, but Laura stepped in to stop it. Laura killed her accomplice during the contest. Laura was afraid that her identity would be discovered and hid everywhere until she got another identity. Lily, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to her, committed suicide. When she witnessed all this, she decided to steal Lily's identity. With the help of her new identity, her new life began, and she became someone else's wife and felt the warmth of her family. Nicholas (Antonio Banderas) works as a journalist. Since he met Laura, he is very interested in Laura's little-known past and tries to uncover her, thus forcing Laura to make a choice about her identity.

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