Fire with Fire

Fire with Fire (2012)

1h 37m | Action, Crime | USA

The brave and resolute Jeremy Coleman (Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel) is a popular firefighter who goes shopping in a convenience store one night after his mission, only to encounter David Hagen (Vincent Nofeo Vincent D'Onofrio), the gang leader who leads him to seize the territory. Jeremy narrowly escaped when the store manager and his family were killed. He then identifies the killer as a witness, but Mike Serra (Bruce Willis Bruce Willis), a police officer who knows David very well, persuades Jeremy to accept witness protection and remain anonymous to prevent David's merciless retaliation. But his whereabouts were soon discovered by David and his girlfriend Talia (Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson) were ambushed and his girlfriend was seriously injured. Ferocious David, the potential to drive Jeremy to a dead end, trapped animals still fight, Jeremy launched a desperate resistance.

The brave and resolute Jeremy Coleman (Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel) is a popular firefighter who goes shopping in a convenience store one night after his mission, only to encounter David Hagen (Vincent Nofeo Vincent D'Onofrio), the gang leader who leads him to seize the territory. Jeremy narrowly escaped when the store manager and his family were killed. He then identifies the killer as a witness, but Mike Serra (Bruce Willis Bruce Willis), a police officer who knows David very well, persuades Jeremy to accept witness protection and remain anonymous to prevent David's merciless retaliation. But his whereabouts were soon discovered by David and his girlfriend Talia (Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson) were ambushed and his girlfriend was seriously injured. Ferocious David, the potential to drive Jeremy to a dead end, trapped animals still fight, Jeremy launched a desperate resistance.

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