Fukigen na kajitsu

Fukigen na kajitsu (2016)

| Plot | Japan

Although she has been married for five years, Shuiyue Ma Yezi (acted the role of Kuriyama Qianming) is still as beautiful as old, gracious blooming. Her husband Hiroichi Inagaki (Goro Inagaki) is an office worker, the life of the couple is carefree, but the temperature between them gradually falls to the freezing point. Hangyi's obedience to his mother's words is a typical Mummy Baby, an extreme cleanliness fetish that has seldom made out with his wife for a long time. Can meet, Ma Ye Zi's heart is naturally full of loneliness and dissatisfaction. One of her two friends ended their dilapidated marriage and opened a shop on their own; one had a happy family but was keen to have fun. Xu is affected, she and her former lover Keno Nomura (Chenggong Kangui) rekindled their old love. In this process, I got to know the young Kudo Toshihiko (Shihara Hayabusa) who had met several times. The focus of life has shifted, and Ma Ye Zi is running farther and farther on the crazy road. This film is based on Lin Mariko's original work of the same name.

Although she has been married for five years, Shuiyue Ma Yezi (acted the role of Kuriyama Qianming) is still as beautiful as old, gracious blooming. Her husband Hiroichi Inagaki (Goro Inagaki) is an office worker, the life of the couple is carefree, but the temperature between them gradually falls to the freezing point. Hangyi's obedience to his mother's words is a typical Mummy Baby, an extreme cleanliness fetish that has seldom made out with his wife for a long time. Can meet, Ma Ye Zi's heart is naturally full of loneliness and dissatisfaction. One of her two friends ended their dilapidated marriage and opened a shop on their own; one had a happy family but was keen to have fun. Xu is affected, she and her former lover Keno Nomura (Chenggong Kangui) rekindled their old love. In this process, I got to know the young Kudo Toshihiko (Shihara Hayabusa) who had met several times. The focus of life has shifted, and Ma Ye Zi is running farther and farther on the crazy road. This film is based on Lin Mariko's original work of the same name.

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