Garasu no kamen

Garasu no kamen (1984 - 2013)


Maya Beidao (voiced by Shengsheng Zhensha) is an ordinary girl from a poor family who lives in the second floor of the shop street with her mother. However, once on the stage, Maya will shine brightly. No matter what kind of script, as long as you read it, you will firmly remember the lines. With this ability, Maya was chosen by the popular star Moon Movie Qiancao (voiced by Chinese and Western Taeko), and Maya joined the Moon Film Troupe where the Moon Ying teacher belongs. Maya, who first entered the show business, was a great success and also met another troupe's Yingxiaolu (dubbed by Miyagi). In order to perform the classic play "Red Sky Girl", an open and secret struggle broke out between Maya and her colleague Yoshikawa Yakumi (voiced by Matsujima Miyori). In the end, Maya was qualified to perform, and the relationship between her and Shinji Suishui (voiced by Nozawa Naji) and Sakura Luyou was slowly fermenting.

Maya Beidao (voiced by Shengsheng Zhensha) is an ordinary girl from a poor family who lives in the second floor of the shop street with her mother. However, once on the stage, Maya will shine brightly. No matter what kind of script, as long as you read it, you will firmly remember the lines. With this ability, Maya was chosen by the popular star Moon Movie Qiancao (voiced by Chinese and Western Taeko), and Maya joined the Moon Film Troupe where the Moon Ying teacher belongs. Maya, who first entered the show business, was a great success and also met another troupe's Yingxiaolu (dubbed by Miyagi). In order to perform the classic play "Red Sky Girl", an open and secret struggle broke out between Maya and her colleague Yoshikawa Yakumi (voiced by Matsujima Miyori). In the end, Maya was qualified to perform, and the relationship between her and Shinji Suishui (voiced by Nozawa Naji) and Sakura Luyou was slowly fermenting.

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