Guess Who

Guess Who (2005)

1h 45m | Comedy, Romance | USA

The news that daughter Teresa (Zoe Saldana Zoe Saldana) and boyfriend Simon (Ashton Kutcher Ashton Kutcher) are about to get engaged completely confused Percy (Bernie Mike Bernie Mac), who has always been in charge of life and death in the family, because he doesn't even know what this son-in-law-to-be named Simon looks like, and when Simon stands in front of Percy. Percy can't believe her daughter is going to marry this weak white boy. Faced with the seemingly perfect son-in-law, Percy tries to find Simon's loophole, but Simon is obviously unassailable both professionally and financially. Percy, who did not give up, launched a frontal attack on Simon, and the two even began to test their driving skills. Facing his father-in-law like a wolf, Simon tried to cope, but he soon found that things seemed to have been screwed up by him.

The news that daughter Teresa (Zoe Saldana Zoe Saldana) and boyfriend Simon (Ashton Kutcher Ashton Kutcher) are about to get engaged completely confused Percy (Bernie Mike Bernie Mac), who has always been in charge of life and death in the family, because he doesn't even know what this son-in-law-to-be named Simon looks like, and when Simon stands in front of Percy. Percy can't believe her daughter is going to marry this weak white boy. Faced with the seemingly perfect son-in-law, Percy tries to find Simon's loophole, but Simon is obviously unassailable both professionally and financially. Percy, who did not give up, launched a frontal attack on Simon, and the two even began to test their driving skills. Facing his father-in-law like a wolf, Simon tried to cope, but he soon found that things seemed to have been screwed up by him.