Gun Shy

Gun Shy (2000)

1h 41m | Comedy, Romance, Crime | USA

The famous detective Charlie Mayo suddenly lost his unique sensitivity, and a well-planned detection ended in failure, which made him completely lose his confidence in himself and asked his superiors for permission to retire. Now he needs to complete his last covert operation. Charlie was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and his heart was even filled with fear of the murderous mafia leader, Nestra. Charlie asked a psychiatrist for help. Fortunately, he received enthusiastic help from the medical team, especially nurse Judy.

The famous detective Charlie Mayo suddenly lost his unique sensitivity, and a well-planned detection ended in failure, which made him completely lose his confidence in himself and asked his superiors for permission to retire. Now he needs to complete his last covert operation. Charlie was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and his heart was even filled with fear of the murderous mafia leader, Nestra. Charlie asked a psychiatrist for help. Fortunately, he received enthusiastic help from the medical team, especially nurse Judy.

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