Gunslinger Girl

Gunslinger Girl (2003 - 2008)


The story takes place in mafia-infested Italy. On the surface, the Social Welfare Commune is a welfare home for lonely girls, but behind the scenes, they target killers to train these physically disabled girls. They brainwashed the girls for physical transformation and actual combat training, and the transformed girls became out-and-out weapons. Among them, Hai Rita (voiced by Nanli Lixiang), Like (voiced by Sanhashi Kanako), Cui Yera (voiced by Sendai Huili), Krayes (voiced by Ami Shimizu) and Angelique (voiced by Temple Renmei) are the best. Each girl is equipped with an older man as an assistant to take care of her daily life. Although they are killers, they all have deep trust and feelings for their assistants. The enemy of the girls is a terrorist organization known as the "five Republics", who have committed unscrupulous crimes in order to strive for freedom and independence. Young girls can not escape the sad fate of death, and the sad figures of these helpless "tools" appear everywhere in the cruel battle.

The story takes place in mafia-infested Italy. On the surface, the Social Welfare Commune is a welfare home for lonely girls, but behind the scenes, they target killers to train these physically disabled girls. They brainwashed the girls for physical transformation and actual combat training, and the transformed girls became out-and-out weapons. Among them, Hai Rita (voiced by Nanli Lixiang), Like (voiced by Sanhashi Kanako), Cui Yera (voiced by Sendai Huili), Krayes (voiced by Ami Shimizu) and Angelique (voiced by Temple Renmei) are the best. Each girl is equipped with an older man as an assistant to take care of her daily life. Although they are killers, they all have deep trust and feelings for their assistants. The enemy of the girls is a terrorist organization known as the "five Republics", who have committed unscrupulous crimes in order to strive for freedom and independence. Young girls can not escape the sad fate of death, and the sad figures of these helpless "tools" appear everywhere in the cruel battle.