Happy Sugar Life

Happy Sugar Life (2018)

24m | Animation | Japan

Matsuzaka Sugar is a high school girl, and Sugar lives in an apartment with a girl named Kobe Salt. Sugar thinks that his favorite person in the world is salt. For salt, sugar also works hard outside the school to earn money to support himself and salt. In the course of her part-time work, Sugar met a female store manager who was outwardly kind but possessed a high desire to deduct her salary, a married teacher who wanted nothing to do with her, and so on. However, Matsuzaka Sugar was not a silent lamb. In the face of social cruelty, she responded in a more cruel and cold way, just to be with salt forever. Posters looking for Kobe salt are posted everywhere on the street, and there is a horrible room in Sugar's house with three bags.

Matsuzaka Sugar is a high school girl, and Sugar lives in an apartment with a girl named Kobe Salt. Sugar thinks that his favorite person in the world is salt. For salt, sugar also works hard outside the school to earn money to support himself and salt. In the course of her part-time work, Sugar met a female store manager who was outwardly kind but possessed a high desire to deduct her salary, a married teacher who wanted nothing to do with her, and so on. However, Matsuzaka Sugar was not a silent lamb. In the face of social cruelty, she responded in a more cruel and cold way, just to be with salt forever. Posters looking for Kobe salt are posted everywhere on the street, and there is a horrible room in Sugar's house with three bags.