
Hino Qingya (voiced by Seiichiro Miki), who studied at private park high school, is a bad teenager who loves to make trouble and overeat, although he comes from a church family. Of course, his bones are full of justice and kindness. Because of this, Hino became good friends with Yoshihiro Okamoto (voiced by Sukeji Ueda), a beautiful and kind-hearted girl Shennai (voiced by Yoshiaki Yoshiaki), and a bad teenager who walked between rock and motorcycle. Paradise High School is located in the downtown center, surrounded by murderous bad teenagers. They will go through a war every day at 05:00. Their friendship is witnessed in blood and tears, and they also make more good friends at the same time. It is Hino's dream to dominate the world, and he is moving towards this dream at full speed. This film is based on the cartoonist Mei Ze Chunren's original work of the same name, a total of 25 words.

Hino Qingya (voiced by Seiichiro Miki), who studied at private park high school, is a bad teenager who loves to make trouble and overeat, although he comes from a church family. Of course, his bones are full of justice and kindness. Because of this, Hino became good friends with Yoshihiro Okamoto (voiced by Sukeji Ueda), a beautiful and kind-hearted girl Shennai (voiced by Yoshiaki Yoshiaki), and a bad teenager who walked between rock and motorcycle. Paradise High School is located in the downtown center, surrounded by murderous bad teenagers. They will go through a war every day at 05:00. Their friendship is witnessed in blood and tears, and they also make more good friends at the same time. It is Hino's dream to dominate the world, and he is moving towards this dream at full speed. This film is based on the cartoonist Mei Ze Chunren's original work of the same name, a total of 25 words.