How I Live Now

How I Live Now (2013)

1h 41m | Plot | UK

Manhattan maiden Daisy (Sylvia Ronan Saoirse Ronan) comes to the country to stay with Aunt Payne (Anna Chansler Anna Chancellor). Here, Daisy meets Edmund (George McKay George MacKay) and Isaac (Tom Holland Tom Holland) and others, and a group of young people spend a quiet time together. However, one day, the war broke out without warning, London was bombed and occupied by the enemy, a scene of devastation, Daisy lost her hometown. Aunt left the farm, leaving Daisy and others, the power outage caused everything to fall into darkness and pause, Daisy must use wisdom and courage to protect the only remaining home. In the process, getting along with each other creates a different friendship between Daisy and the boys, and the stories of hope and despair are played out in turn in this little garden of Eden, which seems to have been abandoned by the whole world.

Manhattan maiden Daisy (Sylvia Ronan Saoirse Ronan) comes to the country to stay with Aunt Payne (Anna Chansler Anna Chancellor). Here, Daisy meets Edmund (George McKay George MacKay) and Isaac (Tom Holland Tom Holland) and others, and a group of young people spend a quiet time together. However, one day, the war broke out without warning, London was bombed and occupied by the enemy, a scene of devastation, Daisy lost her hometown. Aunt left the farm, leaving Daisy and others, the power outage caused everything to fall into darkness and pause, Daisy must use wisdom and courage to protect the only remaining home. In the process, getting along with each other creates a different friendship between Daisy and the boys, and the stories of hope and despair are played out in turn in this little garden of Eden, which seems to have been abandoned by the whole world.

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