
Humans (2015 - 2018)

42m | Sci-Fi | UK

AMC, which produced the best film series of four Emmys (Mad Men), two Emmys (Breaking Bad), four Emmys nominees (murder), four Golden Globes nominees and the highest television production in the United States (the Walking Dead), and British Television 4, which produced BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award Best TV series [Utopia] and [small Town doubt Cloud], cross national boundaries. The eight-episode TV series "Real Human", jointly produced by the two swords, will premiere in the United States at 09:00 on June 28. The new sci-fi series is adapted from the critically acclaimed Swedish award-winning sci-fi series Real Humans and rewritten by British screenwriters Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley (Anti-espionage War). Set in a world where robot Synth is widely used by busy urbanites, the show presents gripping conflicts, psychological shocks and moral torture after the boundaries between humans and robots have become increasingly blurred.

AMC, which produced the best film series of four Emmys (Mad Men), two Emmys (Breaking Bad), four Emmys nominees (murder), four Golden Globes nominees and the highest television production in the United States (the Walking Dead), and British Television 4, which produced BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award Best TV series [Utopia] and [small Town doubt Cloud], cross national boundaries. The eight-episode TV series "Real Human", jointly produced by the two swords, will premiere in the United States at 09:00 on June 28. The new sci-fi series is adapted from the critically acclaimed Swedish award-winning sci-fi series Real Humans and rewritten by British screenwriters Sam Vincent and Jonathan Brackley (Anti-espionage War). Set in a world where robot Synth is widely used by busy urbanites, the show presents gripping conflicts, psychological shocks and moral torture after the boundaries between humans and robots have become increasingly blurred.