Ieri oggi domani

Ieri oggi domani (1963)

1h 58m | Comedy, Romance | Italy

The film directed by famous director Vitttorio de Sika is a star comedy, which can be divided into three parts. The first is about a woman who specializes in selling foreign cigarettes on the black market has never tasted the taste of prison, because at that time the law stipulated that pregnant women and women six months after delivery were not arrested. So after giving birth, he urged her husband to have sex, so he escaped the fate of prison, but finally went to prison because of pregnancy failure. The second film is about a rich woman who is infatuated with a writer who is younger than her. they drive around in a high-end car and crash because of their warm atmosphere. the rich woman feels dull, so she stops the car and goes away. The third part is about a high-end prostitute who falls in love with a seminary student. The prostitute gets rid of the entanglement of the benefactor, but can't stand the pleading of the old parents of the seminary student and has to break up with the student. After the students left, their benefactors were still left in the cold. This film is represented by the styles of the three cities, fully depicting the temperament of the Italian, and the leading actors and actresses all have superb performances.

The film directed by famous director Vitttorio de Sika is a star comedy, which can be divided into three parts. The first is about a woman who specializes in selling foreign cigarettes on the black market has never tasted the taste of prison, because at that time the law stipulated that pregnant women and women six months after delivery were not arrested. So after giving birth, he urged her husband to have sex, so he escaped the fate of prison, but finally went to prison because of pregnancy failure. The second film is about a rich woman who is infatuated with a writer who is younger than her. they drive around in a high-end car and crash because of their warm atmosphere. the rich woman feels dull, so she stops the car and goes away. The third part is about a high-end prostitute who falls in love with a seminary student. The prostitute gets rid of the entanglement of the benefactor, but can't stand the pleading of the old parents of the seminary student and has to break up with the student. After the students left, their benefactors were still left in the cold. This film is represented by the styles of the three cities, fully depicting the temperament of the Italian, and the leading actors and actresses all have superb performances.

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