Iryû: Team Medical Dragon

Iryû: Team Medical Dragon (2006 - 2014)

47m | Plot | Japan

In order to complete the paper on the world's most difficult surgery Batista, Kato Kato (Sakaguchi Sakaguchi) of Mingzhen University turns to Taro Asakata (Sakaguchi), who once led the Yelong (the world's highest-level life-saving medical team). Although a technically first-rate talented surgeon, Asada was disgusted by some people because of his strong self-style, and in the end all hospitals shut him out. After coming to Mingzhen, Asakata began to set up a team to complete the operation, but he found that the doctors here seemed to be mediocre people who did not care about the life or death of their patients, and any decision was based on reducing the hospital mortality rate. Even Professor Noguchi, his immediate boss, only regarded the patient as a pawn to help him ascend the position of dean. And because of the risks to participate in a difficult operation like Batista and the benefits of a successful operation, everyone knows that a rough sea of infighting is imminent. No one expected that Asahi's ideal team candidate would be locked in a group of "marginal people". In the face of such a team full of problems, all the people would secretly sweat.

In order to complete the paper on the world's most difficult surgery Batista, Kato Kato (Sakaguchi Sakaguchi) of Mingzhen University turns to Taro Asakata (Sakaguchi), who once led the Yelong (the world's highest-level life-saving medical team). Although a technically first-rate talented surgeon, Asada was disgusted by some people because of his strong self-style, and in the end all hospitals shut him out. After coming to Mingzhen, Asakata began to set up a team to complete the operation, but he found that the doctors here seemed to be mediocre people who did not care about the life or death of their patients, and any decision was based on reducing the hospital mortality rate. Even Professor Noguchi, his immediate boss, only regarded the patient as a pawn to help him ascend the position of dean. And because of the risks to participate in a difficult operation like Batista and the benefits of a successful operation, everyone knows that a rough sea of infighting is imminent. No one expected that Asahi's ideal team candidate would be locked in a group of "marginal people". In the face of such a team full of problems, all the people would secretly sweat.

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