Ivan's Childhood

Ivan's Childhood (1962)

1h 35m | War | Soviet Union

The brutal war destroyed the childhood of the 12-year-old boy Ivan (Nikolay Burlyaev). His mother and sister were killed by the German army in his early years, and the young Ivan had to go to war and become a scout shuttling through the flames of war and death. Because of his age, Lieutenant Gokson could not even believe the identity of Ivan, but from Captain Kohelin (Valentin Zubk ov), he learned that the skinny boy in front of him was so bold. Captain Kohelin wanted to take Ivan off the battlefield and send him to study far away. However, Ivan refused to leave, and the brave boy was determined to fight to the last moment of his life. The film won the Best Director Award at the 1962 San Francisco International Film Festival and the Golden Lion Award at the 1962 Venice Film Festival.

The brutal war destroyed the childhood of the 12-year-old boy Ivan (Nikolay Burlyaev). His mother and sister were killed by the German army in his early years, and the young Ivan had to go to war and become a scout shuttling through the flames of war and death. Because of his age, Lieutenant Gokson could not even believe the identity of Ivan, but from Captain Kohelin (Valentin Zubk ov), he learned that the skinny boy in front of him was so bold. Captain Kohelin wanted to take Ivan off the battlefield and send him to study far away. However, Ivan refused to leave, and the brave boy was determined to fight to the last moment of his life. The film won the Best Director Award at the 1962 San Francisco International Film Festival and the Golden Lion Award at the 1962 Venice Film Festival.

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