Jamie Marks Is Dead

Jamie Marks Is Dead (2014)

1h 41m | Same-Sex | USA

A fantasy story between people and ghosts combines thrillers, ghosts and love elements. Boy Jamie Max (Noah Silver Noah Silver) gets attention only after his death. He is a withdrawn and unnoticed type at school and is often bullied. Jamie has a classmate named Adam (Cameron Monaghan Cameron Monaghan), who is very good at sports, but grew up in a single-parent family, and his brother has a bad attitude, so he is in the same boat with Jamie. Adam's mother was involved in a car accident one day, and on the same day Jamie died strangely, and his body was abandoned behind the woods. People's souls leave through some exit after death, but there are also lost souls wandering around the world. Jamie's ghost finds Adam, and an ambiguous and elusive relationship develops between people and ghosts. However, the ghost had to go where he was supposed to go, and Jamie knew he had to say goodbye to Adam, otherwise Adam's life would be worrying.

A fantasy story between people and ghosts combines thrillers, ghosts and love elements. Boy Jamie Max (Noah Silver Noah Silver) gets attention only after his death. He is a withdrawn and unnoticed type at school and is often bullied. Jamie has a classmate named Adam (Cameron Monaghan Cameron Monaghan), who is very good at sports, but grew up in a single-parent family, and his brother has a bad attitude, so he is in the same boat with Jamie. Adam's mother was involved in a car accident one day, and on the same day Jamie died strangely, and his body was abandoned behind the woods. People's souls leave through some exit after death, but there are also lost souls wandering around the world. Jamie's ghost finds Adam, and an ambiguous and elusive relationship develops between people and ghosts. However, the ghost had to go where he was supposed to go, and Jamie knew he had to say goodbye to Adam, otherwise Adam's life would be worrying.

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