J'irai comme un cheval fou

J'irai comme un cheval fou (1973)

1h 40m | Plot | France

Another Fernando surrealist film, three years later than long live death, completed in 1973. It may also be because of these three years, the director's ideas and artistic techniques have become more mature. In this film, the director abandons his political ideas and moves towards the broader theme of the conflict between nature and modernity, civilization and primitive, and the sexual conflict between mother and son is not just like the sexual initiation of the son to the mother in long live death. There is still a main line in the plot, in which a man kills his mother, drives to the desert, meets a dwarf, and then develops feelings that bring the dwarf back to civilization and share his property together. at the same time, the state machine represented by the police is chasing the man. There are many conflicts in the whole film, the most obvious is that civilization and primitive, nature.

Another Fernando surrealist film, three years later than long live death, completed in 1973. It may also be because of these three years, the director's ideas and artistic techniques have become more mature. In this film, the director abandons his political ideas and moves towards the broader theme of the conflict between nature and modernity, civilization and primitive, and the sexual conflict between mother and son is not just like the sexual initiation of the son to the mother in long live death. There is still a main line in the plot, in which a man kills his mother, drives to the desert, meets a dwarf, and then develops feelings that bring the dwarf back to civilization and share his property together. at the same time, the state machine represented by the police is chasing the man. There are many conflicts in the whole film, the most obvious is that civilization and primitive, nature.

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