Kagekiha opera

Kagekiha opera (2016)

1h 30m | Plot, Same-Sex | Japan

Such as a tyrant-like female director Zhongshin Naoko (Zaori), she met actress Okakachun (Yosha Nakamura), and the two worked together to set up a troupe called Maobujiao. Around the two people, the intricate jealousy and desires of women are thoroughly aroused, and the troupe develops in an unpredictable direction.

Such as a tyrant-like female director Zhongshin Naoko (Zaori), she met actress Okakachun (Yosha Nakamura), and the two worked together to set up a troupe called Maobujiao. Around the two people, the intricate jealousy and desires of women are thoroughly aroused, and the troupe develops in an unpredictable direction.

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