L'arbre de Noël

L'arbre de Noël (1969)

1h 50m | Plot | France

A 10-year-old child whose mother dies young, has blood cancer, and has only six months to live (Brockeffler); a father (William Horton) who tries to meet his child's needs and make his child happy before the end of his life (William Horton), is the main structure of this film [father and son tears], the character is simple, the plot is moving, is a major feature of this film. It was also a common type of tragic story before the 1970s, which made people cry.

A 10-year-old child whose mother dies young, has blood cancer, and has only six months to live (Brockeffler); a father (William Horton) who tries to meet his child's needs and make his child happy before the end of his life (William Horton), is the main structure of this film [father and son tears], the character is simple, the plot is moving, is a major feature of this film. It was also a common type of tragic story before the 1970s, which made people cry.

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