Let's Kill Ward's Wife

Let's Kill Ward's Wife (2014)

1h 22m | Comedy | USA

Several married male friends are determined to kill one of their "demon" wives. Ward's wife, everyone, including Ward himself, agreed that she was an abominable tyrant, the embodiment of the devil. Several of Ward's friends, after many half-joking conversations, made a plan to kill her-although the implementation process was a bit unexpected, but stumbled and stumbled and finally succeeded. The next step is how to dispose of the body without leaving a trace. Although it involves bloody plots such as murder and dismemberment, the whole process is eerily full of jokes because several friends are downright amateurs.

Several married male friends are determined to kill one of their "demon" wives. Ward's wife, everyone, including Ward himself, agreed that she was an abominable tyrant, the embodiment of the devil. Several of Ward's friends, after many half-joking conversations, made a plan to kill her-although the implementation process was a bit unexpected, but stumbled and stumbled and finally succeeded. The next step is how to dispose of the body without leaving a trace. Although it involves bloody plots such as murder and dismemberment, the whole process is eerily full of jokes because several friends are downright amateurs.