Life with Father

Life with Father (1947)

1h 58m | Comedy | USA

Clarence Clarence Day (William Powell (William Powell)) was the benevolent despot of his New York City family in the 1880s. His wife, Irene Dunne, is the head of the family. Anecdotal stories cover details such as Jimmy Lydon and the romance of the eldest son and the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor. Winnie tried to baptize her strong husband, or he would never be able to enter the kingdom of God.

Clarence Clarence Day (William Powell (William Powell)) was the benevolent despot of his New York City family in the 1880s. His wife, Irene Dunne, is the head of the family. Anecdotal stories cover details such as Jimmy Lydon and the romance of the eldest son and the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor. Winnie tried to baptize her strong husband, or he would never be able to enter the kingdom of God.