Log Horizon

Log Horizon (2013 - 2021)

25m | Plot, Animation | Japan

"Myth of Wonderland" is a well-known online game. When the 12th expansion was updated, an accident trapped 30,000 players in the virtual world constructed by the game. Veteran player Cheng Hui (Takeshi Terajima voice) is one of them, in reality, he is an introverted personality in the game is extremely rich in leadership, deeply trusted and loved by his peers. Fear and despair hung over the heads of the players trapped in the game. The cheerful, straightforward and careless warrior (voiced by Satoshi Maano), and the lovely appearance and powerful Assassin Xiao (voiced by Immeri Kato) stood out in the same city and created the union "record Horizon". They set out from the metropolis Akihabara on an adventurous journey, determined to open up their own world. Find a way out.

"Myth of Wonderland" is a well-known online game. When the 12th expansion was updated, an accident trapped 30,000 players in the virtual world constructed by the game. Veteran player Cheng Hui (Takeshi Terajima voice) is one of them, in reality, he is an introverted personality in the game is extremely rich in leadership, deeply trusted and loved by his peers. Fear and despair hung over the heads of the players trapped in the game. The cheerful, straightforward and careless warrior (voiced by Satoshi Maano), and the lovely appearance and powerful Assassin Xiao (voiced by Immeri Kato) stood out in the same city and created the union "record Horizon". They set out from the metropolis Akihabara on an adventurous journey, determined to open up their own world. Find a way out.