Los agitadores

Los agitadores (2022)

1h 42m | Plot, Comedy, Same-Sex | Argentina

Director Marco Berg's eighth feature film "Los Agitadores" has now won the title. "this film deals with a phenomenon that is very common in the West. It is a mixture of homophobia and male eroticism. For example, among those football players, they often meet naked, fight each other and have physical contact, which is a very pleasant and ambiguous scene, but at the same time they are also in a homophobic environment. My new film is about violence in this special environment of homosexual pornography and homophobia. The film, called Horse Play, will be released in 2022. " (interview with Beitong Culture)

Director Marco Berg's eighth feature film "Los Agitadores" has now won the title. "this film deals with a phenomenon that is very common in the West. It is a mixture of homophobia and male eroticism. For example, among those football players, they often meet naked, fight each other and have physical contact, which is a very pleasant and ambiguous scene, but at the same time they are also in a homophobic environment. My new film is about violence in this special environment of homosexual pornography and homophobia. The film, called Horse Play, will be released in 2022. " (interview with Beitong Culture)

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