Mad Men

Mad Men (2007 - 2015)

47m | Plot | USA

"Mad Men" is an American TV series produced by American Movie Classics. The show won the 65th, 66th and 67th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards for best TV series, and won the Emmy Award for best drama series for four consecutive years. In the 1960s, the advertising industry in the United States entered its heyday. There were hundreds of advertising agencies on Madison Avenue in Manhattan. Stirling Cooper was a leader in the industry. Creative director Don Draper (Joe Jon Hamm) is handsome, well-built and resourceful, like James Bond in advertising. In addition, the company also likes to show off its high-society-born boss Roger Sterling (John Slattery John Slattery), current affairs secretary Peggy Olsen (Elizabeth Moss Elisabeth Moss), ambitious but lack of real knowledge Beit Campbell (Vincent Casseur Vincent Kartheiser) and other people who work hard to meet the needs of their clients while living at the same time.

"Mad Men" is an American TV series produced by American Movie Classics. The show won the 65th, 66th and 67th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards for best TV series, and won the Emmy Award for best drama series for four consecutive years. In the 1960s, the advertising industry in the United States entered its heyday. There were hundreds of advertising agencies on Madison Avenue in Manhattan. Stirling Cooper was a leader in the industry. Creative director Don Draper (Joe Jon Hamm) is handsome, well-built and resourceful, like James Bond in advertising. In addition, the company also likes to show off its high-society-born boss Roger Sterling (John Slattery John Slattery), current affairs secretary Peggy Olsen (Elizabeth Moss Elisabeth Moss), ambitious but lack of real knowledge Beit Campbell (Vincent Casseur Vincent Kartheiser) and other people who work hard to meet the needs of their clients while living at the same time.

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