
Maelstrom (2000)

1h 27m | Plot | Canada

Bibi'an is young and beautiful, and she is also the owner of several clothing stores, but at the beginning of the story, she was unlucky: she accidentally got pregnant and had an abortion, lost a lot of money in business, and her brother made a face at her, and her famous and rich mother never came forward to offer her condolences. Bibi'an had to fool around on drugs in the bar and have sex with a man casually, and her life was nothing but emptiness. One night, a delirious Bibi'an came out of the bar and drove home, but she knocked down a passer-by. She drove away without thinking. When she woke up the next day, she found that the man she had knocked down was dead. When she was in decline, there seemed to be only a dead end. Bibi'an even threw herself into the river with a car, but her survival instinct still made her struggle to surface. Bibi'an went to bid farewell to the deceased and met the deceased's son. The victim's family did not know that the enemy who killed his father was right in front of her and even accosted her and wanted to buy her a cup of coffee. Bibi'an finally met the one, but the cruel truth taught her how to say it.

Bibi'an is young and beautiful, and she is also the owner of several clothing stores, but at the beginning of the story, she was unlucky: she accidentally got pregnant and had an abortion, lost a lot of money in business, and her brother made a face at her, and her famous and rich mother never came forward to offer her condolences. Bibi'an had to fool around on drugs in the bar and have sex with a man casually, and her life was nothing but emptiness. One night, a delirious Bibi'an came out of the bar and drove home, but she knocked down a passer-by. She drove away without thinking. When she woke up the next day, she found that the man she had knocked down was dead. When she was in decline, there seemed to be only a dead end. Bibi'an even threw herself into the river with a car, but her survival instinct still made her struggle to surface. Bibi'an went to bid farewell to the deceased and met the deceased's son. The victim's family did not know that the enemy who killed his father was right in front of her and even accosted her and wanted to buy her a cup of coffee. Bibi'an finally met the one, but the cruel truth taught her how to say it.

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