
Morikubo Shotaro (voiced by Morikubo Shotaro) has lived a life of mutual dependence with his father, Maoji Honda, who is a professional baseball player. His dedication to baseball and his warm blood deeply influenced the young Goro, which made him have a strong vision for such a sport, but baseball was a minority sport at that time. Goro finally found Shouya Sato (voiced by Seiichi Morita), who also likes playing baseball, and the two formed a deep friendship. In an accident, Shigeru Honda was injured and killed on the field, and the kind kindergarten teacher Machiko Hoshino (voiced by Junko Noda) adopted Goro. At the age of nine, Goro finally joined the Mitsuya Dolphin Junior Baseball team with his own efforts, where he met friends such as Daisuke Komori (voiced by Li Hui, Nagiya), Shimizu Kaoru (voiced by Yuko Sakamoto) and Ryotai Sawamura (voiced by Hiroshi Nishima).

Morikubo Shotaro (voiced by Morikubo Shotaro) has lived a life of mutual dependence with his father, Maoji Honda, who is a professional baseball player. His dedication to baseball and his warm blood deeply influenced the young Goro, which made him have a strong vision for such a sport, but baseball was a minority sport at that time. Goro finally found Shouya Sato (voiced by Seiichi Morita), who also likes playing baseball, and the two formed a deep friendship. In an accident, Shigeru Honda was injured and killed on the field, and the kind kindergarten teacher Machiko Hoshino (voiced by Junko Noda) adopted Goro. At the age of nine, Goro finally joined the Mitsuya Dolphin Junior Baseball team with his own efforts, where he met friends such as Daisuke Komori (voiced by Li Hui, Nagiya), Shimizu Kaoru (voiced by Yuko Sakamoto) and Ryotai Sawamura (voiced by Hiroshi Nishima).

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